Ana Carolina Oliveira Duarte, Ray de Souza Rodrigues


The rare earth elements (REE) has received great importance in recent years and, consequently, are the focus of research in several areas. This fact is due to its great potential and essentiality in industrial activity, mainly in the case of high technology. Also, agriculture receives REE, directly or indirectly, via phosphate fertilization that has been accumulating in the environment. Therefore, there is a current concern in terms of applied levels, as well as environmental effects, both for plants and humans. Reference concentrations for these elements have not yet been defined since their effects have also not been fully elucidated. This review aims to show the history, use, current panorama, and the stage of research related to the effects of REE in different species and their level of emergent contamination.


Cério. Poluente emergente. Fertilizantes fosfatados. Lantânio.

Texto completo:



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5892/st.v4i1.6154


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